"Well, don't cry any more. We're not going to turn you out-of-doors to-night. You'll have to stay here until we investigate this affair. What's your name?"
The child hesitated for a moment.
"Will you please call me Cordelia?" she said eagerly.
"CALL you Cordelia? Is that your name?"
"No-o-o, it's not exactly my name, but I would love to be called Cordelia. It's such a perfectly elegant name."
"I don't know what on earth you mean. If Cordelia isn't your name, what is?"
"Anne Shirley," reluctantly faltered forth the owner of that name, "but, oh, please do call me Cordelia. It can't matter much to you what you call me if I'm only going to be here a little while, can it? And Anne is such an unromantic name."
"Unromantic fiddlesticks!" said the unsympathetic Marilla. "Anne is a real good plain sensible name. You've no need to be ashamed of it."
"Oh, I'm not ashamed of it," explained Anne, "only I like Cordelia better. I've always imagined that my name was Cordelia-at least, I always have of late years. When I was young I used to imagine it was Geraldine, but I like Cordelia better now. But if you call me Anne please call me Anne spelled with an E."
"What difference does it make how it's spelled?" asked Marilla with another rusty smile as she picked up the teapot.
"Oh, it makes SUCH a difference. It LOOKS so much nicer. When you hear a name pronounced can't you always see it in your mind, just as if it was printed out? I can; and A-n-n looks dreadful, but A-n-n-e looks so much more distinguished. If you'll only call me Anne spelled with an E I shall try to reconcile myself to not being called Cordelia."
"Very well, then, Anne spelled with an E, can you tell us how this mistake came to be made? We sent word to Mrs. Spencer to bring us a boy. Were there no boys at the asylum?"
reluctantly =しぶしぶと、不本意ながら
reconcile (oneself) to=~に甘んじる、黙って従う
"Well, don't cry any more. We're not going to turn you out-of-doors to-night. Y ou'll have to stay here until we investigate this affair. What's your name?"
The child hesitated for a moment. "Will you please call me Cordelia?" she said eagerly.
"CALL you Cordelia? Is that your name?"
⇒「コルデリアと呼ぶ? それがあなたの名前なのかい?」
"No-o-o, it's not exactly my name, but I would love to be called Cordelia. It's such a perfectly elegant name."
"I don't know what on earth you mean. If Cordelia isn't your name, what is?"
"Anne Shirley," reluctantly faltered forth the owner of that name, "but, oh, please do call me Cordelia. It can't matter much to you what you call me if I'm only going to be here a little while, can it? And Anne is such an unromantic name."
⇒「アン・シャーリー」と、その名の持ち主はしぶしぶ言った。「でも、お願いだから、コルデリアと呼んでください。私がほんの少しここにいるだけなら、なんと呼ぼうとたいしたことじゃないでしょう? アンなんて、ぜんぜんロマンティックな名前じゃないもの」
"Unromantic fiddlesticks!" said the unsympathetic Marilla.
⇒「ロマンティックじゃない? くだらないこと!」とマリラは冷たく言った。
"Anne is a real good plain sensible name. You've no need to be ashamed of it."
"Oh, I'm not ashamed of it," explained Anne, "only I like Cordelia better. I've always imagined that my name was Cordelia-at least, I always have of late years.
When I was young I used to imagine it was Geraldine, but I like Cordelia better now. But if you call me Anne please call me Anne spelled with an E."
"What difference does it make how it's spelled?" asked Marilla with another rusty smile as she picked up the teapot.
⇒「綴り方で、どんな違いがあるというの」 やかんを取り上げながら、マリラはさびたような笑いを浮かべて言った。
"Oh, it makes SUCH a difference. It LOOKS so much nicer.
When you hear a name pronounced can't you always see it in your mind, just as if it was printed out? I can; and A-n-n looks dreadful, but A-n-n-e looks so much more distinguished.
If you'll only call me Anne spelled with an E I shall try to reconcile myself to not being called Cordelia."
"Very well, then, Anne spelled with an E, can you tell us how this mistake came to be made? We sent word to Mrs. Spencer to bring us a boy. Were there no boys at the asylum?"
⇒「いいわ、だったら、Eのついたアンさん、どうしてこんな間違いが起きたのか、教えてくれる? 私たちはスペンサー夫人に、男の子をよこしてもらうよう、言づけをしたの。孤児院には、男の子がいなかったのかい?」
タレント候補が減った理由–戦い(の見物)を終えて(やまもといちろう) | |
昨今の“AIブーム”について考えたこと(本田雅一) | |
欠落していない人生など少しも楽しくない(高城剛) | |
「なし崩し」移民増加に日本社会は如何に対応するか(やまもといちろう) | |
ウェブ放送&生放送「脱ニコニコ動画」元年(やまもといちろう) | |
気候変動にまつわる不都合な真実(高城剛) | |
広告が溢れるピカデリー・サーカスで広告が一切ない未来都市の光景を想像する(高城剛) | |
「意識高い系」が「ホンモノ」に脱皮するために必要なこと(名越康文) | |
「罪に問えない」インサイダー取引が横行する仮想通貨界隈で問われる投資家保護の在り方(やまもといちろう) | |
夫婦ってなんなんだ、結婚ってなんなんだ(切通理作) | |
重心側だから動きやすい? 武術研究者・甲野善紀の技と術理の世界!(甲野善紀) | |
テレビのCASがまたおかしな事に。これで消費者の理解は得られるか?(小寺信良) | |
【ダイジェスト動画】名越式仏教心理学を語る(名越康文) | |
在韓米軍撤退の見込みで揺れまくる東アジア安全保障と米韓同盟の漂流(やまもといちろう) | |
高2だった僕はその文章に感情を強く揺さぶられた〜石牟礼道子さんの「ゆき女聞き書き」(川端裕人) |